Malfy Gin Rosa Gin
About this product
Indulge in the delicate and captivating flavours of Malfy Gin Rosa, a delightful Italian gin that embraces the essence of Italian summer. Crafted with meticulous care by Malfy Gin, this gin is a tribute to the beautiful pink grapefruits that flourish along the Amalfi Coast. With each sip, Savour the tangy and citrusy notes of pink grapefruit, balanced by the gentle sweetness of Italian rhubarb. Malfy Gin Rosa is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of Italian gin production. Whether enjoyed in refreshing cocktails, mixed with tonic, or simply on its own, this gin is sure to transport you to the sun-kissed shores of Italy. Raise a glass of Malfy Gin Rosa and let its vibrant flavours transport you to a Mediterranean paradise. Cheers to the elegance and allure of Malfy Gin Rosa!